Coming soon to Gravesend: The Panic Room

The Panic Room logoThe above logo, with a delightfully Mexico 70 font, belongs to The Panic Room of Gravesend, which opens tomorrow and is the first new exit game to open in 2016, by a small margin. The venue is a business suite within Gravesend’s Old Town Hall. To begin with, the site will open with a single room, which can host teams of two to eight and has a 60-minute time limit. Additional rooms are promised but may have lower team size limits. The site will open on weekday evenings and all day at weekends.

The name of the first room is The Panic Room, matching the name of the site. “You are a team sent to a crazed conspiracy theorists mansion where he has been found dead. He found out something he shouldn’t have and clearly someone wanted to cover it up and hide it. The room is trashed and clearly in the murderer’s haste he couldn’t find the secret file. It is now your job to solve the trail of puzzles and riddles left by the conspiracy theorist, find the exit code and escape before the 60 minutes is up.

The charge is reasonable at £15/player for teams of two, three or four; the rate ramps down rapidly for larger teams, with a team of five paying £70 total and teams of six, seven or eight paying £75 total. T-shirts are also available, which is rather neat. You’ve played the game, now wear the shirt!

3 thoughts on “Coming soon to Gravesend: The Panic Room”

  1. Enter the Oubliette opened Jan 2 according Kickstarter. Though as booking opened for backers first it’s possible most of the first week went before it was actually open for public booking.

  2. Thanks for the write up! Much appreciated!
    Today is a big day and very happy to join the ever growing list of UK Escape Rooms 🙂

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